Hi, how have you been? I hope you are healthy and doing well. Over the past few days, I have been very concerned about the changing mood of our environment. If you follow the news, you have probably read about the rising temperatures. Today we will explore the factors contributing to the deteriorating environment. Before delving into this broad topic, Let's first understand the meaning of the environment. Not just the definition, but also the way we associate the concept of environment with human behavior. Environment is the interaction of gases, living organisms, and non-living elements. It's a theoretical definition, but we won't focus on theory; we'll learn from real-world examples. Let's assume for a moment that the environment is like human nature. To simplify, imagine yourself here to understand what the environment is. Suppose everything in your life is going according to your plans; you will be happy. However, if something goes against your plan, you will feel sad and angry. This is because it is a natural tendency for human beings, as we tend to forget about the bad moments and move forward in life. But it is not the same scenario in our environment. If we harm our surroundings, it takes millions of years to return to its original state. So, we can conclude that humans only care about their own lives, but who gave this beauty to us? We don’t seem to have any regard for that. As a nature lover, you may be pondering our role in the current environmental issues. Shouldn't the government be taking more responsibility for addressing these concerns? In my opinion, both individuals and the government bear an equal responsibility for addressing environmental issues. Ok, let me do a post-mortem of my opinion. It has been 75 years of independence, and we have implemented multiple legislations for environmental concerns. For instance – The water Pollution Act, Air Pollution Act, Environmental Protection Act, Namami Gange, Ban on Polythene, etc … We have been unable to achieve success with any of these initiatives. There are several reasons for this: 

• Firstly, the government has only introduced these measures without providing adequate reinforcement or support.

• Additionally, our people have consistently failed to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth. 

• Furthermore, the lack of proper infrastructure has hindered our efforts. 

As a result of these factors, we continuously struggle to effectively clean and maintain our environment. You have obviously heard that European nations have a clean environment and ambiance. Have you ever thought about it? Now I'm sure that you're wondering about..

• They are educated and aware about their environment 

• They have a planned infrastructure 

I will say that you are headed in the right direction with your thinking. But consider for a moment that we Indians are behind them. If your answer is "no," then the question is: where is the problem? If we take the example of Switzerland, also known as the "Heaven on Earth," we find it to be a stunningly beautiful country. If you think the beauty of Switzerland lies in its nature, then you are mistaken. The true beauty of Switzerland lies in its caring citizens.. It is essential to acknowledge the fact that India is a country characterized by diverse climatic conditions, rich flora and fauna, and varied physical geography. As stewards of this land, it is our responsibility to act as custodians of its natural heritage, recognizing that India is revered as sacred by many. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Thank you

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  1. Very well articulated by the author. Almost touched all the aspects associated to environment.


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